Porn a public health crisis? Utah state senator thinks so

NEW YORK – Is pornography causing a public health crisis in Utah? State Senator Todd Weiler thinks it is. The Republican lawmaker introduced a resolution Friday that “recognizes the need for education, prevention, research, and policy change at the community and societal level in order to address the pornography epidemic that is harming the citizens of Utah and the nation.”

“I’m being mocked by the media about this but it is affecting people’s lives and families,” Weiler told FOX411. “This is not a Mormon thing, a Utah thing. This is not a conservative thing. It’s based on science. Not all scientists will agree on this, but scientists don’t agree on everything.”

The divorce lawyer turned politician said he’s not trying to impose morals on anyone but simply making people aware of porn’s perils.

“Like in the 1950s, people said tobacco wasn’t addictive and now we know it is. I think that porn is similar to tobacco back in the 50s,” he said. “Porn is being found to be addictive and damaging.”

“The resolution is a warning telling us to be careful. I’ve been a divorce attorney for 20 years and it contributes to a lot of divorces in Utah,” Sen. Weiler cautioned. “It undermines relationships and families. I’m not trying to ban pornography. I know it’s not illegal. Not everyone who looks at pornography is going to get addicted, but a lot of people don’t realize it can have that impact.”

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