Deadline to file taxes is Monday, April 18

A federal holiday in Washington this year means you get an extra three days to file your tax returns. However, lots of people will cut it close, which means some late nights for tax preparers.

Tax day is like the holiday season for some, it kind of sneaks up on you. Well, believe it or not, it's here again and a lot of people are cutting it close.

An H&R Block on the city's Southwest Side sees the same thing every year, which is last minute tax filers trying to beat the deadline.

This year’s deadline is Monday, April 18th. 

With extended hours until 11:00 p.m., they can help navigate what is a daunting task for some.

“The younger filers I think are my favorite because sometimes they're a little nervous and don't know what to expect.  And it's always an exciting time to educate them,” said Kimberly Butler.

Butler has seen it all, from the simple return to the more complicated business ones. Most of the documents you need to file your taxes start rolling in shortly after the New Year, begging the question, why wait until mid-April?

“Time, I think is one of the biggest factors. People are just so busy now,” Butler said.

“I just do it to get it out of the way. Longer to deadline, the more hassle it is, more people going in. I’d rather get it out of the way, move on with my life,” said Carlos Delgado.

There’s also a reluctance because people fear what they may owe. It’s one of the many reasons Butler suggests not going through the process alone. 

“You wanna make sure you get all the credits and deductions and the largest legal refund you can,” Butler said.

Bottom line, don't fear the process and if you're lucky and a refund is owed, maybe you'll have some extra play money, unless it's already spoken for.

“Pay bills, just pay bills. That’s what you gotta do with it,” Delgado said.

Also, Monday is the last day to file returns dating back to 2012. After that, you will forfeit any refund that may have been owed.