Elgin police host Pokemon walk-and-talk, share safety tips
CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) - Most Pokémon Go players are having a great time, but some have been lured by criminals and robbed, and others have hurt themselves by stumbling into traffic.
Well on Tuesday night, Elgin police hosted a Pokémon walk-and-talk to share strategy and safety tips.
Dozens showed up, and Elgin police want people to be safe when playing. They’re recommending people wear bright colors, travel in groups. They also want you to be aware of your surroundings.
“Especially if you're doing to be out after dark, please don't be alone. That was the one thing we were noticing people walking around alone. Now the last couple of nights, Saturday night, I think there were about 300 people walking around downtown,” said Elgin cop Kevin Kamenjarin.
The hunt for Pokémon expands well outside of a child's game. People of all different ages and backgrounds, including police officers, are catching Pokémon Go fever.
“Because it's fun and there's a lot of Pokemon and you know what? You gotta catch em all,” said Pokemon player Alex Ramirez.
An expert at the game is Justin Maher. He at level 22 and is out and about teaching his sons Jude and Micah how to catch Pokémon.
The three just caught a Spearow, which is a type of bird Pokémon.
Maher is happy to teach his boys the game, but he's also hopeful his sons are seeing a different side of these police officers.
“They're friendly, they're out in the area, they're hanging out with us playing this goofy game...it's kind of cool,” said Pokemon player Justin Maher.
And so, the hunt for more Pokémon continues.