US Economy grew a robust 2.8% in Quarter 2

The US Economy is about to pull off something really rare -- it's called a "soft landing." That is what happens when inflation returns to the feds' target without a recession. It's a feat that's only happened once, during the 1990s.

Job search tips for new college graduates

Now that college graduates are home from school, recruiters are working overtime to make sure their companies get the best new talent. There are a few ways that candidates can stick out in the crowd in the best way, and joining us with a few tips for college grads on the job search is Thomas Vick, technology jobs expert with recruiting agency Robert Half.

'Beni' helps users save big when online shopping

A new app and browser extension called Beni can help you find the clothes you want while saving you money. CEO Kate Sanner explained how the app works to find discounts when browsing online.