Protesters gather after alleged drunk driver fined $750 in fatal Oak Lawn crash

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Protests arise after alleged drunk driver fined $750, given community service in fatal Oak Lawn crash

Protests arose on Wednesday in response to Tuesday's court decision to fine the woman who allegedly hit and killed Murod Kurdi $750 and give her 30 hours of community service. The Arab American Action Network and Kurdi's family don't think that is enough.

Protesters gathered Wednesday night to call out the Oak Lawn Police Department in response to yesterday's court decision to only fine and assign community service to the driver, 27-year-old Leanne Cusack, who killed Murod Kurdi last June.

"I watched my son’s killer at the Bridgeview Courthouse walk away yesterday with a $750 fine instead of being criminally charged," said Murod Kurdi's mother, Fadia Muhamad.

Muhamad spoke during the crowded Oak Lawn Police and Fire Commission Meeting.

She, Kurdi’s brother, and others pleaded with the board to understand her hurt and to acknowledge the department's problems.

"This type of conduct and the village of Oak Lawn’s failure to recognize and acknowledge it – we know there is something highly problematic within the Oak Lawn Police Department," said Muhamad.

"How is this one cop involved in both, but he’s not corrupt? There’s nothing wrong with him? He’s not on a power trip for the last 14 years he’s been a police officer?" said one woman during the meeting's public comment. 

As they have for months, attendees voiced their disgust with how Kurdi’s death was handled. 

In court Tuesday, 27-year-old Leanne Cusack admitted to drinking before driving the day she killed Kurdi. 

"She admitted to being at a bar just prior to killing my son," said Muhamad.

The 12 speakers didn’t shy away from confronting the board.

"You guys are absolutely disgusting for never letting Murod’s mother finish her speech. Embarrassing, honestly be ashamed of yourselves," said an attendee at the podium. 

After a half hour of passionate comment, the group approached the board and declared the meeting room the Murod Kurdi Memorial Room. 

The board members were displeased and left the room as attendees held up signs of Kurdi and chanted as the meeting ended.