Record number of holiday travelers expected this year

A record number of holiday travelers are expected to hit the runways, roadways and rails this year.

AAA is estimating that one-third of all Americans will be traveling in the next few days. That's about 113-million people, and experts predict congestion could be four times worse on Chicago’s highways over the next two weekends.

A spokesperson for AAA says the economy is a big reason for the large amount of travelers.

"We look at the jobs, we look at the housing market, we look at disposable income, we look at credit, and we combine all that to forecast that out,” they said.

Most travelers will hit the highways, with 5.3 million estimated on the roads just in Illinois alone.

"The driver needs to focus on the task at hand which is driving. Leave the cell phones to the passengers. We call them designated texters, so that the driver can focus,” AAA said.

In Chicago, AAA expects the worst day to hit the road will be Monday, Christmas Eve, between 1:30 and 2:30 pm –- and also on New Year’s Eve in the afternoon.

If you're driving, get your car serviced before you take your trip and have the essentials -- a phone, chargers, first-aid kit, snacks and water.

And if you're trying to avoid the crowds by traveling at off-peak hours, take the following advice.

"Make sure you've gotten a good night’s sleep the night before. Drowsy driving is a problem out on the roadway. And we want to make sure everybody is crisp and clear as they're out there driving,” AAA said.