2 plans to name Illinois highways for Obama in the works

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SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) - Democratic lawmakers from Chicago want portions of Illinois highways named for former President Barack Obama.

Rep. La Shawn Ford said Wednesday he would write legislation to name Interstate 55 from Chicago to East St. Louis for Obama.

A resolution by Rep. Marcus Evans would designate Interstate 294 around Chicago for the 44th president. It's known as the Tri-State Tollway.

Interstate 55 in Chicago is named former Illinois governor and two-time Democratic presidential nominee Adlai (AD'-lay) Stevenson II. Ford's plan would affix Obama's name to the other parts of the interstate running through the state.

Ford says stretches of I-55 south of Springfield would retain honorary titles. Portions are named for the late state Sen. Vince Demuzio (dih-MYOO'-zee-oh), the late U.S. Sen. Paul Simon, and the late state Rep. Wyvetter (WYE'-vet-tur) Younge.
