3 generations of Illinois women celebrate their graduations together

(Darryl Hammond of Hammond Photo Design Studios and www.hammondphotodesign22.com)

(FoxNews.com) - Three generations of Illinois women in one family are all graduating together this spring. And to celebrate, they held a photo shoot.

LaWanda Flennoy received her associate's degree from South Suburban College in South Holland, according to Inside Edition. Her two oldest daughters, Paris and Amari, graduated from college this month, her youngest, Jade, finished high school and will graduate. Granddaughter Brooklyn, Paris’s daughter, will be graduating from kindergarten.

Flennoy decided to return to school in 2010.

She organized the photo shoot with Chicago photographer Darryl Hammond for her daughters and granddaughter, but did not expect to participate.

Read the full story on FoxNews.com.
