Chicago's downtown River Walk finally complete, celebration this weekend

FOX 32 NEWS - It’s been more than a decade in the making, but Chicago’s downtown River Walk is finally completed and there will be a big celebration this weekend.

After years of construction costing more than 100-million dollars, Chicago’s River Walk now stretches one and a quarter miles along the south bank of the Chicago River from essentially the river's mouth on the east to the Lake Street bridge where the river splits north and south.
On Wednesday, city officials chartered a boat to show off the finished project which they say promises to become one of Chicago’s top tourist attractions.

"Everyone in Chicago waits for it to be warm to come outside and do things. So this really will be people's first opportunity to come down and enjoy the new aspects, the new elements and development of the Chicago River Walk and see what's been done down here. It's beautiful,” said Ann Hickey of the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events.
The newest section includes a floating garden.

"As the river goes up and down, so will those gardens go up and down,” Woods said.

Project manager Woods says they've tried to make each block look like a different room.

"Every section looks a little different. That's what's unique for the Chicago River Walk, is that it's not like a typical boardwalk where it's the same look from one end to the other,” she said.

The city is looking at the possibility of extending the River Walk in the future down the south branch of the Chicago River, but faces the problem that most of the property is privately owned.

You can check it out this Saturday when the city holds a season opening bash for the River Walk, including music, fishing, free kayaks for kids, and of course, fireworks.
