Pizza delivery driver shoots teen who tried to rob him

A pizza delivery driver could face charges after shooting and killing a teenager who he claims fired shots at him during a delivery.

It happened around 11:30 Saturday night in Mesquite, in the 1400 block of Springwood Drive, Mesquite police said.

The delivery driver told police he was confronted by two teens, who tried to rob him. One of them, armed with a handgun, fired at the driver, police said.

The driver was armed and fired back. One of the 16-year-old suspects was found nearby with a gunshot wound. He later died of his injuries, police said.

The other 16-year-old was found and arrested for aggravated robbery. The home the driver was delivering to was vacant, police said.

Investigators said the driver, who is a 39-year old man, is licensed to carry in Arizona and that license is honored in Texas.

Investigators now say now they are looking into at least six other similar robberies involving delivery drivers to see if these suspects may have been behind them.

Domino's company policy says their drivers do not carry more than $20 at a time. A spokesperson would not say if the drivers are allowed to carry weapons while working.
