'Racist' flyers urge African Americans in Chicago to help deport Latino neighbors
FOX 32 NEWS - Flyers described as “racist” target African American neighborhoods and urge people to report undocumented Latino neighbors and promote deportations.
Alderman Raymond Lopez of the 15th Ward is speaking out against them and calls the author a coward.
The flyers showed up in predominantly African American communities on the West and South sides, like Englewood and Roseland.
Lopez said it is a classic example of race baiting.
“I represent both African Americans and Latinos on my ward and for any group, let alone a group that refuses to identify itself, to put these kind of racist flyers aimed at pitting Blacks versus Latinos is just outrageous to me," said the alderman.
The flyer author is asking people in the African American community to call the number listed and report undocumented residents to immigration agents for a reward - anywhere from “$3,000 - $10,000 per illegal reported."
The flyer is titled - "Ice Em" and suggests that illegal immigrants are destroying the Black community and endangering the livelihoods of Americans.
“While there are issues within those communities on the south and west sides that we have to address the perennial disinvestment the lack of opportunity, baiting group against group is not how we answer them and I for one will not stand for it,” said the alderman.
A spokesperson for U.S. Immigration, Customs and Enforcement or ICE said the phone number listed is a correct tip line, but the flyer is fake.
"These flyers, stickers and posters are not issued by or sanctioned by ICE. These fake flyers are similar to the recent rash of false reports involving purported ICE checkpoints and random sweeps; these reports are dangerous and irresponsible."