Six-year-old brings loaded gun to school, hands off to friend, according to deputies

A six-year-old boy brought a loaded gun to his Rancho Cucamonga school, even giving it to a classmate who took it home in his backpack, according to San Bernardino Sheriff's Deputies.

Many parents tell FOX 11 Los Amigos Elementary school handled this well. But they are frustrated with the parents of the 6-year-old. 

"I'm kind of shocked that something like this would happen," said Christina Casas, the parent of a third grader.

The school says they waited until the sheriff's department's investigation was over until they notified parents.

Deputies say the 6-year-old knew his parents safe's combination, and gave the loaded gun to another 6-year-old friend on campus.

"I think this is a situation where we had a first grader and 6-year-olds thinking that this firearm was cool," said Deputy Jacob Bailey with the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department.

The friend took the gun home. That's where his grandmother found it while going through his backpack.

It's something many parents say needs to happen more often.

"Props to her for being a bag checker. A lot parents unfortunately don't have the time or they wait for the end of the week," said Selina Arellano, a parent of a student.

The district says the students no longer attend the school, but some parents were still shaken.

"What if when they were passing the gun to another kid, it shot off and it shot my child? My kid comes to learn not to worry about who's going to bring a gun out," said a parent named Miriam who didn't want to give out her last name.

According to deputies, Child family services took custody of the 6-year-old who first brought the gun to campus along with his three siblings. Their dad was arrested for child endangerment.

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