Trump job approval averaging 39%, with 56% disapproving

(Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Fox 32 News) - Two new polls show that President Donald Trump's popularity is shrinking even further.
A poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal shows Trump's job approval at 38 percent. About 58 percent of Americans disapprove of the job he is doing.
Another poll conducted by Gallup showed Trump's approval at 35 percent, with 60 percent disapproving.
The website "Real Clear Politics," which averages information from various polls, said that Trump's average approval rating is at 39.2 percent. That's almost as low as Trump's approval has ever gone. Real Clear Politics said his average disapproval rating is now 56 percent.
Even the normally Republican-friendly Rasmussen Reports is showing Trump at 43 percent approval.