McMaster says US must be prepared for military operations in North Korea

Stefan Krasowski | Flickr
FOX NEWS - National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster attempted to make clear Sunday that President Trump is seeking international support in trying to stop North Korea’s pursuit of a nuclearize weapon, reasserting Trump’s vow that the U.S. will no longer be the world’s policeman.
“It’s an open defiance of the international community,” McMaster, a retired Army general, told “Fox News Sunday.” “It’s important for all of us to confront this regime… . None of us can accept a North Korea with a nuclear weapon.”
From essentially the start of Trump’s winning presidential campaign, he has criticized previous administrations about the financial and geo-political consequences of leading efforts to police or overthrow foreign regimes. He even threatened to resign from NATO unless other countries started paying their fair share for such efforts.
“We cannot be the policeman of the world,” Trump said in a September 2016 presidential debate. “We cannot protect countries all over the world, where they're not paying us what we need."
When asked whether the United States has to do something regarding North Korea, McMaster said, "Well yes, we do have to do something, and so we have to do something, again, with partners in the region and globally, and that involves enforcement of the UN sanctions that are in place.