Meet the voice of the CTA

CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) - He’s one of the most recognizable people in Chicago – though if you passed him on the street, you’d never know it.

You’ve never met him, but if your train has ever been delayed or you missed your bus stop, he’s always been there.

He’s a historic staple of Chicago transportation, even if it takes you a moment to figure out why.

Meet Lee Crooks, he’s the voice of the CTA.

It was 1997 when Lee Crooks got the call from his agent that the CTA in Chicago was looking for a voice for their trains.

But it’s not as easy as it sounds.

The ever-changing nature of public transpiration means that this is the gig that keeps on giving, even after laying the vocal foundation nearly two decades ago.

But Chicagoans are, if anything, particular – which means that getting the pronunciation of street name correct is nothing short of crucial.

While Lee is much more than just the voice of the CTA, he does plenty of other voice over work to keep him busy – he’s more than okay with being known as “the CTA guy.”

Currently residing in Milwaukee, he doesn’t hear his work too often – and there are some stops he’s never heard.

But we have.

Because Lee is a part of Chicago, engrained in our city – like a good friend, always willing to point us in the right direction.