North Korea: 'Super-mighty pre-emptive strike' will reduce US to ashes

Stefan Krasowski | Flickr
( - North Korean state media threatened to launch a "super-mighty pre-emptive strike" that would reduce South Korea and the United States "to ashes."
The Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper for North Korea's ruling Worker's Party, wrote, "In the case of our super-mighty pre-emptive strike being launched, it will completely and immediately wipe out not only U.S. imperialists' invasion forces in South Korea and its surrounding areas but the U.S. mainland and reduce them to ashes," according to Reuters. The rogue nation also claimed the U.S. and its allies "should not mess with us."
The threat came as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the U.S. was exploring ways to pressure North Korea to the negotiation table over its nuclear program.
"We're reviewing all the status of North Korea, both in terms of state sponsorship of terrorism as well as the other ways in which we can bring pressure on the regime in Pyongyang to re-engage with us," Tillerson said on Wednesday. "But re-engage with us on a different footing than past talks have been held."
The seretive regime also released a propaganda video over the weekend that showed a simulated nuclear missile attack destroying an unidentified American city. A cemetery and American flag appeared with flames superimposed over the footage.
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