Obama Foundation head says Chicago must get house in order

Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls/Flickr)

CHICAGO (AP) — The head of the Obama Foundation told Chicago business and civic leaders the city needs to get its house in order so it can effectively attract visitors from around the world.

Martin Nesbitt made the assertion Tuesday as he discussed the development of President Barack Obama's library and museum, which is projected to open in five years.

Nesbitt noted he was speaking to the City Club of Chicago as 9-year-old Tyshawn Lee was being buried. The boy was gunned down last week in what police say was a targeted gang shooting.

Nesbitt said the city can't invite the world to the South Side without demonstrating it can fix problems plaguing the community.

Nesbitt said the foundation will hire a staff member next year to lay the groundwork for a presidential center that will have local and worldwide impact.