Ladies of Virtue Chicago helps young girls grow into leaders

A local mentoring and leadership program serves young women in underserved communities in Chicago. Ladies of Virtue is dedicated to improving the lives of girls through personal discovery. Fox 32's Anita Blanton spoke to the founder and a few of the girls in the program.

Tanya Dreesen tackles new era for the Chicago Bears

In a league increasingly gaining more faithful female followers, it's only right that the National Football League also sees more women in higher positions behind the scenes. Today's groundbreaker is Tanya Dreesen, who's the Chicago Bears' new senior vice president of strategy and global affairs and chief of staff.

Bobbi Panter continues legacy in pet care market

Born in Wheaton, Illinois, Bobbi Panter is a trailblazer in the pet care industry. When faced with troubles caring for her furry friend BoBo, Panter invented her own natural healing products.

A Little Bit of Sweetness provides a sweet solution to overindulging

Today's Groundbreaker is blazing a trail in a unique space quite literally and figuratively. We all know portion control can be one of the biggest keys to a diet and she's offering up a pretty sweet solution to those who struggle with the temptation to overindulge on dessert.