Chicago police boost presence ahead of Labor Day weekend
CHICAGO (FOX 32 NEWS) - Chicago police started Labor Day weekend by making dozens of arrests of people charged with drug-related offenses, many of whom they say are known gang members.
Police are looking to curb violence during one of the heaviest travel weekends of the year.
"The Chicago police will be increasing patrols by an additional thousand police for each night of the weekend," CPD Supt. Eddie Johnson said.
Holiday weekends, historically known for upticks in violent crime, present a challenge for police.
By "flooding the zone" and focusing on "hot spots," police seek to saturate areas known throughout the city to cause issues.
Uniformed and plain-clothed officers will work high-trafficked areas on Michigan Avenue, the lakefront and at city parks, as police partner with the feds.
"Every district will have a strategically-staffed support center to monitor camera feeds and gunshot technology in real time," Johnson said.
Earlier this month, 15 people were shot in one night on the city's West Side across two shootings, both events preceded by large gatherings of people.
Highlighting a key tenant in the police department''s weekend strategy is battling so-called "pop-up parties."
Striking the correct balance, Johnson says, to remain cautiously optimistic.
"Historically, Labor Day hasn't been quite as taxing as the previous tow holidays but if we need to deploy additional resources we can," Johnson said.