Should women have reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy?

CHICAGO (Fox 32 News) - Northwestern plastic surgeon Dr. Neil Fine said a new study shows that women should trust their instincts when it comes to reconstructive surgery after breast cancer and a mastectomy.

The study looked at the quality of life for women after reconstruction. Fine said that the study showed women in general "feel pretty good about their breasts," and that everyone's different when it comes to recovering from cancer.

But one thing was clear: women should listen to their hearts when it comes to deciding on surgery.

"My advice in general is to start with less surgery. Don't have a big operation at first. We can start with a small operation," he said. "If they find it's not working for them, we'll transition to larger more invasive surgery.  Women should realize that if you feel you will do more fine without reconstruction, you are probably right."