Former fan flies banner protesting NFL protests over Jags game

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A former Jacksonville Jaguars fan wants everyone to know how he feels about the NFL’s recent anthem protests. 

Terry Smiley hired a plane to fly a banner reading "Be American. Boycott the Jags and the NFL," over Everbank Field.  The banner was in the air for nearly two hours during Sunday’s game.

Smiley says he's fed up with the players, and the league.

“Do you believe in your country?” he asked. “Do you believe in the Star Spangled Banner?  If you don't stand up for it now, you won't have it in the future."

A recent FOX News poll found 55 percent of voters see kneeling during the national anthem as an inappropriate form of protest.

Team owners are meeting this week in New York. They plan to discuss whether to change the league's policy to require players to stand during the national anthem -- a rule change that would not require player approval.

A decision is expected before the meeting wraps up on Wednesday.
