Tour of holiday train kicks off Saturday

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CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) - A favorite Chicago tradition, the holiday train, is leaving the station this weekend.

The Sprint-CTA Holiday Train starts its holiday tour on the Red Line, Saturday. The holiday bus will begin its tour shortly after Thanksgiving.

The six car train and 60-foot bus, both decked out with thousands of colorful lights and holiday decorations, feature Santa Claus, on a flatbed rail car and on a throne on the bus.

In a first-ever sponsorship agreement, the CTA will receive $300,000 from Sprint, which covers operational costs for the train and bus, and also adds an extra day of service for the holiday train.

The train will run on all eight rail lines, starting Saturday, November 21 on the Red Line. The bus will run on multiple bus routes starting December 2.

Full schedules will be released soon for the holiday train and holiday bus.