Video of baby wearing glasses for first time goes viral
FOX News -- A Cincinnati woman’s video of her baby daughter trying on glasses for the first time has gone viral.
Jessica Sinclair posted the video on Facebook, which shows 10-month-old Piper resisting at first, then breaking into a big smile when she sees her family’s faces clearly for the first time, WKRC reported.
“We started to notice that she was having issues reaching her milestone of crawling,” Jessica told WKRC. “So at her regular pediatric check they did an eye screening and saw that she might have had a slight astigmatism.”
The family found out that Piper didn’t have astigmatism , but was extremely farsighted, with one eye measured at +7.00 and the other is +9.00.
According to WKRC, Jessica is hoping to use the video’s success to spread awareness about the importance of eye health and infant eye check-ups.