Caught on video: British man trips suspect running from police

A British man became a local hero Tuesday when he tripped a suspected drug dealer running from police, leading to the man’s capture, Sky News reports. Now, local law enforcement is trying to track down the Good Samaritan to thank him for his “swift intervention.”

The incident, which took place in the Kingston borough of London, was caught on security camera and shows a 17-year-old suspect hitting the ground after running into the pedestrian’s extended leg. The unnamed teenager has been arrested on suspicion of drug possession with intent to sell, Scotland Yard told the media outlet.

"The video was brought to the attention of the Borough Commander this morning, who was very impressed and would like to meet him,” Kingston Officer Sebastian Ellis told Sky News." So if you see this, please get in contact with me!"

The suspect was booked into a London police station. He has been released on bail until early April while the Kingston Police's investigation continues, Sky News adds.

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