Chicago officers, families hold vigil for law enforcement

(BBC World Service/Flickr)
CHICAGO (AP) - A group of Chicago police officers and family members gathered outside a police district station to hold a prayer vigil for an officer shot last week and others killed nationwide in recent weeks.
Those attending Sunday's vigil outside the 1st District station said it was meant as a show of solidarity for law enforcement and their families. "Blue Lives Matter" posters were on display, and small children held posters reading "We Love Police."
Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said police are currently working in difficult times. He added it is important to "show support for one another as we go through these difficult times."
The Chicago officer responding to a report a man was acting erratically Thursday was shot in the leg in an exchange of gunfire with a 50-year-old Derek Love. The officer was treated and released and Love was killed.