Four black bears have been spotted in Indiana
A black bear was spotted in Vanderburgh County, Indiana on Sunday morning.
A photo of the bear was taken by a homeowner near Elberfield.
The Department of Natural Resources DNR said that this is the fourth black bear confirmed in Indiana, and that the population growth is expected due to increasing populations in neighboring states.
Black bears are rarely aggressive towards humans, but the DNR said if you see one, you should:
• Not feed it.
• Observe it from a distance.
• Not climb a tree.
• Advertise your presence by shouting and waving your arms and backing slowly away.
If you are in an area where bears have been spotted, you might want to:
• Remove bird feeders and bird food.
• Clean and store away grills after use.
• Eliminate food attractants by placing garbage cans inside a garage or shed.
• Pick ripe fruits and vegetable as soon as possible or place an electric fence around them to ensure bears cannot reach them.
• Consolidate beehives you may have and place an electric fence around them.
• Bring pet food inside at night.