Gas station robbed, man carjacked in Horner Park

A gas station was robbed at gunpoint and a man was carjacked Wednesday in Horner Park on the Northwest Side.

Two armed males got out of a dark-colored Toyota Prius about 12:50 a.m. and approached the cashier of a gas station in the 4300 block of North Western Avenue, as he was taking out the trash, Chicago police said. The males forced him back inside the gas station, were two male mechanics who were employees of the attached auto shop were.

The males then struck both mechanics, 25 and 62, in the face with the gun and took their money and wallets, police said. They kicked the older man in the head and face before attempting to force the younger man to open the safe inside the gas station.

When he was not able to open the safe, they grabbed money from the register as well as other items from inside the store, police said. The males then struck the 27-year-old male cashier in the face, stuck a 33-year-old male customer who was also in the store, and stole his property and car keys.


The two males fled in the customer’s black 2012 Ford Taurus along with the Prius they arrived in, police said.

The 62-year-old male mechanic was taken to Swedish Covenant Hospital in fair condition, police said. All other victims refused medical treatment.

Area Three detectives are investigating.

Crime and Public SafetyChicagoNews