Husband of LA County DA pulls gun on Black Lives Matter protesters
Husband of LA County DA Pulls Gun on Black Lives Matter Protesters
Credit: Black Lives Matter Los Angeles via Storyful
NEW YORK - Video has been shared of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s husband apparently pulling a gun and threatening to shoot protesters who gathered at their home in Los Angeles on Monday.
About 30 protesters went to District Attorney Jackie Lacey’s home in Los Angeles’s Granada Hills neighborhood “to protest her refusal to meet with black activists and organizers,” the Los Angeles Times reported.
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A Black Lives Matter organizer told the LA Times the group of activists decided to have the meeting “in front of her house” in response.
Lacey said in a statement that she and her husband, David, awoke to noises outside their home on Monday morning, prompting them to call the police. She then confirmed that her husband drew his gun and asked the protesters to leave. Lacey said it was not the first time she has been confronted.
“As district attorney of LA County, I’ve received threats — some of them death threats. I have been followed, photographed while with my family, confronted at an art museum, confronted at fundraisers,” Lacey said in the statement.
Lacey said she has offered to meet with Black Lives Matter activists in a one-on-one or with a small group, an offer she said activists have rejected. Her husband said he acted “in fear” and that he wanted the protesters to know he was “profoundly sorry” for showing his gun, according to the statement.
This footage shows a man opening the door, quickly drawing his gun, and saying, “Get off of my porch right now,” as another person, not shown in the video, says, “Good morning.”
“Are you going to shoot me?” the person who is not shown in the video says.
The man replies, “I will shoot you. Get off of my porch.” He then tells the group he’s calling the police before shutting the door.