Petitioners rally after med student posts delivery room selfie next to woman's vagina

(FOX News) - Women’s activists are speaking out after a medical student in Venezuela posted a selfie next to a woman’s vagina in the delivery room after giving birth, VICE reported.

More than 5,000 people have signed a petition calling for disciplinary action against Daniel Sanchez, the student studying obstetrics who posted the image on his Instagram page two weeks ago. The account has since been set to private.

Jesusa Ricoy, founder of The Roses Revolution, created the petition calling for punitive measures. The Roses Revolution is a global organization working to end obstetric violence.

According to VICE, Sanchez and Ricoy communicated via email and apologized for any offense, while denying he took the picture. Sanchez further argued the woman in question is respected because “you cannot see her genitals or her face” and that she gave consent.

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