'She had her entire life ahead of her'; Mother of 8-year-old shot, killed speaks out

The mother of eight-year-old Dajore Wilson opened up about the shooting that took her daughter's life. 

She says they were coming back from visiting relatives when someone opened fire.

“Dajore did not deserve this, she was so young, she had her entire life ahead of her,” said Tracey Holmes, mother to Dajore Wilson.

Holmes is in shock over the killing of her 8-year-old daughter.

“We just had a great weekend and she was so happy,” said Holmes.

Holmes and Dajore were picked up from a relative’s home in the Back of the Yards neighborhood Monday night.

“She couldn’t wait to get home to play with her toys,” said Holmes.

Dajore and her mom were riding in the back of the black Subaru. The driver was the father of Dajore, and his friend was in the passenger seat.

They pulled up to a red light, and a black Dodge Charger pulled up behind them.

When the light turned green on Union and 47th Street the passenger got out and fired multiple rounds.

Dajore died at Comer Children’s Hospital.

“I don’t know how anyone can live with themselves after doing this,” said Holmes.

The mother has started a GoFundMe for expenses related to her only daughter’s death.

“She loved getting her hair done, she loved school. We were heading to get her hair done for remote learning when this happened,” said Holmes.

Holmes says life will never be the same without her smart and bossy baby girl.

“Who am I going to have nail dates with, dress up dates. I never thought this would happen to me,” said Holmes.