US sought corruption evidence in search of senator's office

A search of Illinois state Sen. Martin Sandoval's office and home by the FBI was focused on activities involving the politician and employees of the state Department of Transportation.

That is according to a search warrant issued by a federal court and obtained from the office of Illinois Senate Democrats by the Chicago Sun-Times through the Freedom of Information Act. Names in the warrant were redacted.

The Sun-Times reports federal agents searched Sandoval's home and offices on Sept. 24, seizing iPhones, a laptop computer and an Apple computer, as well as a "Friends of Martin Sandoval" spreadsheet from December 2017, files labeled "IDOT," USB drives and shredded paper. The FBI also seized documents referencing the town of Cicero, for which Sandoval provides translation services for the town newsletter.

Sandoval has represented a district on Chicago's southwest side since 2003. He is chairman of the Senate's Transportation Committee.