BELLIS BLOG: Summer dry spell continues
CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) - Most of Chicago has been parched since the meteorological began back on June 1st. In fact, all major reporting stations are below normal for this time period.
Besides the lack of rain, Chicago’s high temperatures have been running above normal. The average high temperature since June 1st at O’Hare is 82.4 degrees and 84.3 at Midway.
Through July 14th, Chicago’s O’Hare has seen 7 days in the 90s while Midway has seen 11.
Here’s the breakdown on how far below Chicago reporting stations are since June 1st.
-O’Hare: -0.04”
-Aurora: -0.27”
-Romeoville: -1.11”
-Midway: -2.63”
-Waukegan: -3.71”
-Valparaiso: -4.57”
Parts of the area are beginning to see early signs of drought, especially northwest Indiana and a few areas near the Wisconsin state line.
The outlook for August is calling for increasing chances for warmer than normal conditions for the Chicago area with near normal precipitation. The average rainfall for August is 4.90 inches.