Chicago weather whiplash incoming

Well south of the city toward Pontiac there are some hail-producing storms as of this writing. Warnings in our area are unlikely but thunder in the Kankakee River Balley is likely this morning.  

There will be some northward expansion of the rain area, perhaps into the metro, which might have some impact on the morning commute. 

This afternoon, skies should break for some sun and temperatures will climb to between 55-60 degrees, a bit cooler lakeside. Tonight will be mainly clear with lows in the 30s. 

Then, it gets rather interesting tomorrow. The morning looks dry with temps warming just past 40. But in the afternoon, colder air sloshes in from the north and with it, snow showers appear likely. There could even be some lake-effect into the evening. Ground temps are quite warm so it’s unlikely more than a coating could occur on grassy areas for example but it will be quite the change from what we’ve experienced lately.  

The weekend starts off chilly with highs around 40 degrees Saturday then the next surge of unseasonable warmth quickly arrives with mid to upper 50s on Sunday. 

Monday finds us back in the 60s with highs not far from 70 possible on Tuesday.  The Tuesday-Wednesday time frame presents some concern for severe storms somewhere in the Midwest. It is too far out to nail down any specifics and impacts locally.