Amelia Earhart letter from 1933 offers advice to an aspiring young aviator

This letter, signed by aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart, was written to 13-year-old June Pierson in 1933. (Credit: The Raab Collection)

( - A previously unpublished letter by Amelia Earhart advises a 13-year-old aspiring female pilot that the girl might consider following the aviation pioneer’s path by working clerical jobs to get her foot in the door.

The typed, one-page letter, dated August 14, 1933, and signed by Earhart, was addressed to June Pierson, a Detroit teenager, who wrote to Earhart about her dream of getting into aviation and seeking advice.

The letter is being sold by The Raab Collection for $15,000.

Earhart offered hope to June, but careful to impart how difficult the path to becoming a pilot could be.