Automatic Illinois voter registration expected in committee

Flickr | Steven Depolo
CHICAGO (AP) — A lawmaker panel is expected to hear testimony on a measure that'd automatically register Illinoisans to vote when they obtain or renew a driver's license or state identification card.
The director of elections for Cook County Clerk David Orr is among those due to testify Tuesday in Chicago.
The Springfield bureau of Lee Enterprises newspapers reports ( there are roughly 7.5 million registered Illinois voters, about 70 percent of those eligible
Some local election officials say the change would remove barriers to registration and increase civic participation. Statewide election officials say more study is needed on logistics. One Republican lawmaker questions if it'll draw uninformed voters to the polls. State Sen. Dave Luechtefeld of Okaville says an uninformed vote can be harmful.
The measure is modeled after an Oregon law.