Boys lied about teens stealing candy, taping child to pole in suburbs, police say

Two children have admitted to police that they made up a story about one of them being robbed and taped to a pole by a pair of teenagers Monday at a park in northwest suburban Huntley.

The brothers, 6 and 8, originally told police were using outdoor fitness equipment about 1 p.m. at a park near the Stingray Bay water park, 12219 Lois Lane in Huntley, when two teenage boys approached them on bikes, according to a statement from Huntley police.

The children claimed one of the teens grabbed the older boy’s wrist, took his candy and duct taped his wrist to a pole on the fitness equipment, police said. The younger boy went to get a park employee, who cut the tape and contacted the boys’ mother.

Detectives re-interviewed the boys on Tuesday in an attempt to corroborate details of the story after reviewing video and speaking with multiple people, police said. During the interview, the boys “recanted their story and stated that they were playing a game.”

Police said no criminal charges will be brought against the boys because of their age and that “consequences will be handled by the parents.”