Cardinals fan gets Super Bowl 50 tattoo

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From the FOX 10 Phoenix Facebook page: So you think YOU'RE a hardcore fan? ‪#‎BirdGang‬

All week, we've showed you Arizona Cardinals fans who are getting pumped up for this weekend's big game against the Carolina Panthers, but here's a story about a guy you might call a super fan. He's showing his team spirit in the form of a tattoo!

Throughout the season, we've seen our share of dedicated fans, but Jose Soberanes takes the cake. This wasn't a dare and he didn't lose a bet. He just really believes in the Cardinals.

For most of the Bird Gang, right now the greatest three letter word is W-I-N, but for this fan, it's I-N-K.

"We were thinking about it and I was like, bro, what if I get the Super Bowl tattoo? And he was like, seriously? And I was like, what if I do it? I was like, would you be down to do it and he was like, yeah and I was like, it's on! There's no going back, we're doing it," said Soberanes.

Even though the Cardinals still need to win the NFC Championship on Sunday, Soberanes is focused on another Sunday game, Super Bowl 50.

He says he knows this tattoo may ruffle some feathers, but before you call him a jinx, call him a believer.

"Everyone's going to like it, even though some people may not, and some people may say that I jinxed them, but I don't think I did, because at the end of the day, when they take it home, I'm going to be so happy, extremely happy that I got it," he said.

And if things don't go as planned on Sunday, don't worry, he knows someone in the business.

"I'm a tattoo artist, so it's not going to take a lot for me to edit it, but I don't think I am because it's a memorable moment in my life, and everyone's going to forever remember me for it, like dude, didn't you get that Super Bowl tattoo? I'm like, yeah that was me."

Soberanes has lost count of how many tattoos he has, but he says every one really means something to him, so the fact that he got this one in the first place means he really believes they can do it. 

Are you superstitious?