CPD: Teens being arrested for armed carjackings in Chicago, suburbs

Chicago police released new surveillance video Thursday showing an armed carjacking in the Loop, and these carjackers may be linked to crimes from the city to the suburbs.

CPD is calling for a public meeting between city, county and state leaders to address the problem.

Just 21 days into 2021 and there have been 144 carjackings, which is nearly 7 carjackings a day.

Carjackings are exploding in Chicago, the suburbs and across the nation.

Even more frightening is who is behind the gun and the wheel.

The youngest carjacker CPD has seen this year was 12.


"The woman went into her house, when she came back, the 12-year-old was getting in her car with a gun. The woman stood in front of the car and the 12-year-old said, ‘Move, I will shoot you,’" said Deputy Chief of Detectives Brendan Dennihan during a news conference.  

The suspect was later caught.

A Lyft driver was carjacked by a 15-year-old who was brazen enough to return to the scene.

There have been 144 carjackings this year and 104 arrests.
Chicago police created a citywide carjacking task force last year, and now a carjacking team has been added to each detective division.

But Ald. Michelle Harris says the system is broken.

"They are arresting people, but the juvenile justice system -- it's not working for us, and they are letting the kids right back out on the streets," said Harris.

Three Chicago alderman are holding a committee hearing demanding change to the state’s laws for juvenile repeat offenders.

The aldermen will hold a hearing Friday starting at 10 a.m., and it is open to the public.

You can view it online at chicityclerk.com.