Carol Stream man charged with child porn

A Carol Stream man is facing felony charges after allegedly being found with child pornography.

Lorenzo Malaga-Antemate, 33, was charged with two counts each of distribution of child pornography and possessing child pornography, as well as one count of child pornography on video, the DuPage County sheriff’s office said.

Sheriff’s deputies raided Malaga-Antemate’s apartment Friday after an undercover Internet investigation led them to believe he possessed and was distributing child pornography, the sheriff’s office said. They allegedly found child pornography files on his digital devices.

Malaga-Antemate was ordered held on $250,000 bond, the sheriff’s office said.

“Child pornography is not a victimless crime,” DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert Berlin said. “Year after year, hundreds of thousands of images are downloaded and shared over the internet with each image representing yet another innocent, young victim of child pornography.”

Malaga-Antemate is due back in court Oct. 5.