Catholic bishops may ban Biden from receiving Holy Communion
WASHINGTON - Should America’s Catholic bishops ban President Joe Biden from receiving Holy Communion, because of his support for abortion rights?
Bishops will begin debating it as soon as Wednesday.
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops will convene virtually and could begin drafting a policy on whether to allow Catholic politicians who actively fund abortion to receive Holy Communion.
Springfield, Illinois’ Bishop Thomas Paprocki is one of the church leaders who has previously banned Catholic politicians from the communion rail if they actively support funding for abortion and abortion rights.
A theologian at the University of Chicago argues that approach is ultimately not helpful to the Pro-Life side of the debate.
"That's one of the reasons why frankly this is the least constructive thing I can imagine to do. Prohibitions like this don't persuade people," Steve Millies said.
He favors persuasion to reduce abortion and support for it.
Although the debate could start this week, the bishops are not expected to vote on whether to ban President Biden from receiving communion until November. Then, it would go to Pope Francis.