Cleanup underway after Riot Fest rips apart Douglas Park

CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) - It was a first for Douglas Park, and now that the fun is over it's time to decide if the community wants Riot Fest to come back. Crews are working on cleaning up after last weekend's music festival.

Riot Fest is being accused of ripping up Douglas Park, and not in a good way. The park where the Riot Fest took place is a muddy mess, and it could cost up to $100,000 to repair. 

Heavy rain Friday and Saturday created deep puddles and thick mud. 

Ald. George Cardenas of the 12th ward, says he expects the south portion of Douglas Park to reopen within days. But, certain areas of the park will be closed off for extensive repairs. Cardenas went on to say that most of the damage he saw "was very much fixable."

A timeline for the repairs has not yet been released. However, a Chicago Park District spokesperson said the Park District would most likely conduct a walk-through of Douglas Park on Friday. 

Last year, organizers of the Riot Fest paid $182,000 to clean up Humboldt Park. 

Officials did not report any major issues with the festival and Cardenas hinted that he wouldn't be opposed to holding the fest at Douglas Park in the future.