Couple starts building Trump's border wall, send bill to Mexican president

ericwhite | Flickr
FOX NEWS - Two artists are helping Donald Trump get a head start on his proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
David Gleeson and his partner Mary Mihelic assembled 52 cinder blocks near the edge of Jacumba Hot Springs, Calif., a border town about 70 miles southeast of San Diego.
The "wall," which they began constructing about 20 yards north of the actual border, is adorned with an American flag, a Trump campaign sign and several items meant to symbolize the positive effects curtailing illegal immigration would have for American citizens.
Apparently, Gleeson and Mihelic also took to heart Trump's promise to make Mexico pay for the wall.
They sent an itemized bill for $14,635.42 to Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, because the wall was "made in the USA."