Diner sparks controversy with Trump-themed ‘Golden Shower' burger

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A restaurant just outside the nation's capital found a way to turn an unsavory rumor about President-elect Donald Trump into a golden opportunity-- but not without inciting some serious controversy.

Mark Bucher, owner of Community restaurant in Bethesda, Md., told Fox News.com that hisTrump-inspired “Golden Showers” burger was “completely non-partisan” and says it's “just a joke.”

The burger combo, (officially sold for just one day on Wednesday) included a beef patty topped with yellow “self-tanning” cheddar cheese, a heavy dose of yellow mustard-- and a tiny pickle topper. The dish was served with a fresh glass of lemonade. 

The idea stemmed from a brainstorming session with Bucher’s cookbook partner Nevin Martell, a local food writer. The two are collaborating on a burger cookbook.

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