Flight attendant agrees to undergo alcohol abuse counseling

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An image of March taken by a passenger during the Aug. 2 flight.  (Aaron Scherb via FoxNews.com)

A flight attendant charged with public intoxication after passengers on a Chicago-to-South Bend flight noticed her inebriation has agreed to undergo alcohol abuse counseling.

Forty-nine-year-old Julianne March of Waukesha, Wisconsin, reached a pretrial diversion agreement that includes alcohol abuse evaluation and counseling during her Thursday initial hearing.

WNDU-TV reports that if March meets all of its terms the public intoxication charge will be dropped after one year.

March was part of an Air Wisconsin crew working a United Express flight. She was arrested Aug. 2 when the plane landed in South Bend after departing Chicago's O'Hare International Airport. Court documents say she had a blood-alcohol content of 0.20%.

March's attorney, Jeff Kimmell, said Friday she's no longer employed in the aviation industry, is enrolled in alcohol abuse counseling and "is using this experience as a positive turning point in her life."