Former suburban elementary school teacher gets 10 years in prison for child porn

Andrew Clarke former teacher convicted of child porn

WHEATON, Ill. (AP) -- A former suburban Chicago elementary school teacher who pleaded guilty to felony child pornography charges has been sentenced to 10 years in state prison.

In a news release, DuPage County State's Attorney Robert Berlin says that 29-year-old Andrew Clarke was sentenced on Friday and immediately taken into custody.

Officials with the Illinois Children's Advocacy Centers and investigators from the Elmhurst and Glendale Heights police departments identified a computer in DuPage County that was downloading files containing child pornography. That investigation led to Clarke, who not only possessed images containing child pornography but had videotaped himself masturbating at a school where he worked. 

The Daily Herald reports that Clarke worked at Adolph Link Elementary in Elk Grove.

Clarke must serve half his sentence before he's eligible for parole and upon his release from prison he will be required to register as a sex offender.