Former Wheaton College student charged with stealing electronics from dorm rooms

Sion Park | DuPage County Sheriff's Office
SUN TIMES MEDIA WIRE - A former Wheaton College student was arrested Thursday and charged with stealing electronics from dorm rooms at the west suburban Christian college.
Sion Park, 18, walked into at least two unlocked on-campus dorm rooms this month and stole iPhones, a watch and a MacBook Air laptop, according to the DuPage County State’s Attorney’s Office.
Park, of Wheaton, faces felony counts of residential burglary and theft, according to the DuPage County Sheriff’s Office. He is being held at the DuPage County Jail on $10,000 bond.
“The allegations that Mr. Park stole valuables worth thousands of dollars from his fellow classmates are unacceptable and will be met with the full force of the law” DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert B. Berlin said. “Not only did Mr. Park allegedly violate his peer’s personal space, he also caused an educational hardship on at least one occasion by allegedly stealing a student’s computer.”
Paul Chelsen, Vice President for Student Development at Wheaton College, said in a statement that he was “concerned by these allegations.”
It wasn’t clear if Park was a student at the time of the alleged burglaries. Though he was referred to as a “former student,” the state’s attorney’s office also said he was a freshman at the college.
Park’s next court date was set for Tuesday, the sheriff’s office said.