Glendale Heights Village President charged with disorderly conduct
CHICAGO - The Glendale Heights Village President was charged after allegedly filing a false police report on two separate occasions.
Chodri Ma Khokhar, 66, was indicted by a DuPage County Grand Jury on two counts of disorderly conduct.
An arrest warrant was issued for Khokhar on Thursday. He turned himself in the same afternoon.
On two separate occasions, Khokhar claimed he was the victim of an assault in a police report he filed with the Glendale Heights PD.

Chodri Ma Khokhar (DuPage State's Attorney)
The report stated "an offense was committed, being assault" and that he filed that report "knowing at the time of the transmission that there was no reasonable grounds for believing that the offense had been committed."
He first filed the first report on April 26 and then another on May 12.
There was no further information at this time.
Khokhar’s arraignment was scheduled for Sept.11, 2023.