Some Illinois taxpayers will be able to file 2024 taxes for free with IRS program

Nearly 2 million eligible Illinois residents will be able to file their 2024 federal tax returns for free using a new IRS program.

State officials announced that Illinois will participate in the IRS Direct File service which begins on Jan. 27.

Direct File was first launched as a test program last year. This year, the program will become a permanent option with participation in 25 states.

A simplified process

The IRS estimates that more than 30 million people will be eligible to use the program during the 2025 tax filing season.

State officials said the IRS Direct File option will simplify the filing process for eligible taxpayers.

"We understand that a significant amount of time and money is spent every year to ensure personal income tax returns are filed accurately and on time," said David Harris, the director of the Illinois Department of Revenue, in a statement. "This integration will help relieve stress and financial burden for taxpayers."

Direct File is an online service that’s available on mobile phones, laptops, tablets or desktop computers. 

The service provides a checklist and a guide to help navigate the process. Users will have access to a chatbot for guidance in both English and Spanish.

For more information on eligibility and how to use the service, visit

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