Much of Joliet under boil order after water main breaks

Many residents in Joliet remain under a water boil order Tuesday after several water main breaks in the southwest suburb.

The order was issued Monday after breaks were located in the east side of the city, including the Edgecreek, Neufairfield, BeeDee Highlands and Thunder Ridge subdivisions, as well as several neighborhoods east of Briggs Street.

In a statement, the City of Joliet Public Utilities department said repairs were finished Monday and that a boil order would be in effect until water tests show the water is safe.

The utilities department laboratory processed water samples Tuesday and will analyze them Wednesday at 5 a.m. to confirm water quality, officials said. The boil order will be lifted shortly after if the quality parameters are met.

Last week, Joliet City Council voted to give Chicago the right to sell Lake Michigan to the city. Joliet will build a 31-mile pipeline and bankroll other pumping station infrastructure improvements costing between $592 million and $810 million, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.