Man arrested for shoplifting after job interview at Kohl's, police say

SPRING HILL, Fla. (FOX 13) - A Spring Hill man was arrested for shoplifting after his job interview at Kohl's, deputies say.
The man identified as Dominick Breedlove arrived at the store around 3:20 p.m. Wednesday and proceeded to Human Resources for a job interview, Hernando County deputies say.
After the interview, Breedlove walked over to the shoe department, found a pair of Nike sneakers without a security tag, then went to his car to get a Kohl's bag from a previous shopping trip and proceeded back to the shoe department, according to a loss prevention officer who was watching him.
The officer told deputies Breedlove walked to the customer service desk, then back to the shoe department when he saw the long line, and then took another pair of shoes and left the store.
Breedlove was taken into custody in the parking lot. Deputies say he had one pair of women's Nike Air Bella TR shoes valued at $80 and another valued at $70.
The sheriff's office says Breedlove did not get the job.